Berlin Royal Palace and Kaiser Wilhelm Bridge Rhine Bridge - Konstanz

Der Kurier

Image of Der Kurier front page
Our newsletter - Der Kurier - is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December. It is indexed in the Periodical Source Index by the Allen County Public Library, Ft. Wayne, Indiana .This publication was honored by the International Society of Family History Writers and Editors (ISFHWE) as one of the winners in the society’s 2014 Excellence-in-Writing Competition. Der Kurier was awarded 2nd place in Category 3 – Genealogy Newsletters.
Members can access a digital version of the current issue and issues from the past five years on the Members page of the website. Older issues beginning in 1982 are available for everyone on the Public Documents tab.
Synopsis of articles in current issue
  • Catherine Engelhardt – A Mis-directed Pursuit, Bob Greiner
MAGS board member and columnist Bob Greiner recounts his ancestral research of the Engelhardt family who arrived in New Orleans in 1851. Using civil registration records, German census records, and marriage records, he was able to build a family history. He has also included images of original census records, a ship’s passenger list, and a death certificate that were used to aide in his research.
  • Trade Card Secrets, Denise Medwick
MAGS member Denise Medwick tells the story of searching for her great-grandmother and the bakery that she worked in when she first immigrated from Germany. Using trade cards and research networks, she was able to locate the bakery and learn more about her family history.
  • A German Lesson: Reading Old Script and New Sources to Research, Gunter Schanzenbacher
Gunter Schanzenbacher provides us with a sample article and translation, as well as helpful links for searching for older newspapers from the 1800s and 1900s. Reading old German script is a must when looking for Ancestors in the old country.  Old newspapers, German-English dictionaries, old books and even printed articles are all in some form of the old script.  So, if one can read it, one can easily copy it and have Google or other programs assist in translating it.
  • Registered in Brunswick: Registration of American Citizens at the American Consulate in Brunswick, 1908–1916, Ken Heger
Ken Heger introduces us to the registration of American citizens in the Duchy of Brunswick. he Duchy of Brunswick was mid-sized German state, located in central Germany.  Throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth century, Brunswick was a constituent state of the German Confederation, the North German Confederation, and the German Empire (the Kaiserreich).  From 1858 until the United States entered World War I, America operated a consulate in the city of Brunswick, the Duchy’s capital to represent American interests in the Duchy and the surrounding area.
  • A Research Trip to Hesse and Alsace: 29 January – 10 February 2024, Dan Soller
MAGS member Dan Soller shares his experience conducting research in Germany and France as well as his thoughts on preparing for a European research trip. This article describes why he traveled to Europe to access records, what he learned about the archives he visited, and how he prepared for this research trip. The primary archives he visited included the Zentralarchiv der Evangelischen Kirche Hesse-Nassau in Darmstadt and the Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv in Wiesbaden.
Synopsis of articles in recent issues
For a list of article titles and authors in recent issues of Der Kurier, see this page
Submissions to Der Kurier
Articles concerning Germanic genealogy and heritage in the Mid-Atlantic region are welcome, as are "Letters to the Editor." Research articles should document conclusions with appropriate citation of primary sources.
MAGS reserves the right to edit submissions for length and style. Any material published becomes the property of MAGS. Please observe the following deadlines for submission to the newsletter.
Issue Deadline
March 1 January
June 1 April
September 1 July
December 1 October
Send articles to:
Morgan Adle
11813 Wandering Oak Way
Beltsville, MD 20705

To order back issues of Der Kurier visit the MAGS Store page on our website.