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MAGS Fall 2024 Workshop
Friday, October 18
MAGS Fall 2024 Workshop  (Workshop)
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Maritime Institute of Technology, Linthicum Heights, Maryland
A Survey of Online German Church Records
Presented by Bob Greiner, Mid-Atlantic Germanic Society
Church records are a critical resource for researching our German ancestors, since there were no national records kept in Germany, such as we find with the United States census. Church records for various regions of Germany and other German-speaking areas reside on a variety of websites, each of which presents the information in different ways. In some cases the records are indexed, but many are not. Some sites are easier to use than others. Some of them are free, but others require a monthly or annual fee to see the images. How do you know where to look to find the records for the specific location in Germany you are researching?
This workshop will introduce you to several key websites where you can access digitized images of German church records. The instructor will explain what regions each site covers, the types of records available on the site, and how the site is organized. He will demonstrate how to use each site to find the record you are looking for. Key differences among the sites will be explained. After attending this workshop you should be more aware of where to look for online German church records, what you can expect to find on each site, and how to effectively use those sites to find your German ancestors.
This will be a hands-on workshop, so please bring a laptop (preferred) or tablet to use during the session. You will be given exercises that will help you to explore the sites to discover what is available and how to use each of them. Although some of the sites to be described require payment, it is not entirely necessary that you have a subscription. If necessary, students can work together in groups to explore those sites. It would be helpful if you have a free FamilySearch account.
Register online at the MAGS Store / Event Registration page.

MAGS 2024 Fall Conference
Saturday, October 19
MAGS 2024 Fall Conference  (Conference)
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Maritime Institute of Technology, Linthicum Heights, Maryland and virtual via Zoom
Documenting and Sharing Your Genealogical Discoveries
featuring MAGS members
Bob Greiner and Carol Carman
Please join us in person at the Maritime Institute for our fall conference. It will be a hybrid event; you are welcome to attend in person or join us via Zoom. For those attending remotely, a link to join the event will be emailed to you a few days before the date.
The first three presentations will describe several types of records that might contain genealogical details about multiple associated people and how you might capture that information, organize it, expand it with more detail, and publish it so that others can benefit from your research. The speaker will present examples from his extensive research that show how you can attain the following goals.
Morning sessions:
Capture – Discover related families and groups, then save information in records” - Bob Greiner
As we research our German heritage, we frequently discover record sources that contain unique information about our ancestral families. The source may include clues to your ancestor’s date or place of birth, the names of their parents, or other facts that help us to make the overseas connection to the family in Germany. The record may also include the names and similar information about other people who were close family or associates of your ancestor.
Connect and extend – Link families together and discover connections on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean” - Bob Greiner
We should all recognize the value of exploring the lives of our ancestors’ family and associates. Whether it is U.S. or German records, we need to expand our research to include others beyond our immediate family. The information found in their records may contain the clues that help fill in the missing details of your immediate ancestors.
Afternoon sessions:
Share - Make the information that you discovered easily available to the genealogical community” - Bob Greiner
On a wider scale, consider the importance of your discovery to others in the genealogical community. Does the record contain valuable details about a few immigrants from the same community? Are there many entries with a similar set of facts that include names, dates, and places? In either case, consider how valuable this information could be to other researchers who descend from those individuals.
“Immigration From Germany Directly To The Midwest In The 1800s : Why And How Did They Come And Where Can You Find The Records They Left Behind" - Carol Carman
This presentation will discuss why and how German immigrants went directly to the Midwest to live in the 1800s. It will include information about small town clusters of Germans. And it will give you help in finding records in the more unusual sources that these ancestors left behind.
Register online at the MAGS Store / Event Registration page.
About the Maritime Institute of Technology
The Maritime Institute has an excellent dining facility. It is a buffet that includes hot entrees, salad bar, hamburgers, hot dogs, fancy sandwiches, fruit, and desserts. For those people attending the MAGS conference in person on Saturday, morning and afternoon snacks and drinks, as well as lunch, are included in the price. For those attending the Friday afternoon workshop, you may purchase a lunch ticket for $20 at the hotel front desk. Make sure you arrive early enough to enjoy your lunch before the workshop.
The facility also offers overnight accommodation. For those people who wish to stay overnight, you can reserve a room (single or double) at the hotel. The overnight package includes both an all you can eat breakfast and dinner buffet. Guests can call the hotel front desk and ask for the name of our booking (Mid-Atlantic Germanic Society) to get that rate. 
The phone number is 410-859-5700.
Overnight rates:  single - $165,  double - $210
There are also several other hotels close by the Maritime Institute. Look for hotels near BWI airport, specifically on West Nursery Road.