Berlin Royal Palace and Kaiser Wilhelm Bridge Ludwigsburg Residential Palace

About Us

The Mid-Atlantic Germanic Society (MAGS) is a non-profit genealogical society founded in 1982 in the mid-Atlantic region. The MAGS Mission is to stimulate and facilitate research on Germanic genealogy and heritage and to promote genealogical research of Germanic ancestors who settled in North America. 
For information about joining our society, see the MAGS Membership page under this topic.

Operating Year: January - December 2025

Executive Board
President: Kenneth W. Heger
First Vice President: Gunter Schanzenbacher
Second Vice President: Carol A. Carman
Secretary: Debra A. Hoffman
Treasurer: Bob C. Greiner
At-Large: John Allen Frank, III
At-Large: Roy W. Shiflet
At-Large: Donald Bittner
At-Large: Daniel Soller
Immediate Past President: Diane M. Kuster
Committee Chair
Editor emeritis: James M. Beidler
Editor emeritis: Sean Michael Kessler
Membership: Gunter Schanzenbacher
Newsletter editor: Morgan Adle
Program (Arrangements): Carol A. Carman
Program (Speakers): Kenneth W. Heger
Publicity and Public Relations: Roy W. Shiflet
Registrar: Cheyenne Cashin
Research (Stumped Roots): Susannah E. Brooks
Social Media: Vacant
Website: Carol A. Carman