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The latest issue of the International German Genealogy Partnership (IGGP) newsletter Partner Zeitung is now available at the link below. Note that the organization has recently updated their website.

Welcome to the MAGS web site!

Use your member login to access all the features of our website. Use the Join MAGS Now tab on the left side of the page to join our organization. Membership is only $15 per year.
We are excited that you have found our website. We frequently add information to this site so please come back often. The site also provides us with the ability to manage our membership, communicate with our members, and allows you to find information about and register for events.
Watch these videos to learn about what MAGS has to offer. Each is about 10 minutes long.

13 Oct 2024 A new issue of the IGGP Partner Zeitung has been published. See the link at the top of this page.
31 Aug 2024 MAGS has created a new video to demonstrate how to pay for purchases on our website using a credit card or PayPal account. See the link on the MAGS Store page.
27 Aug 2024 The September issue of Der Kurier has been published on the website. You can see a synopsis of the articles on the Der Kurier tab.
23 Jul 2024 Recent meeting minutes, financial and membership reports are now on the Members page under Documents and Reports.
31 Mar 2023
Baltimore Hertiage Society has several video presentations on Baltimore, Maryland.
This YouTube video is about the Hansa House on Redwood St. It has a long German history, and it may be of interest  to our membership.

Document of the Month

In the March 2024 issue of Der Kurier Gunter Schanzenbacher illustrates how you can find names of German ancestors in contemporary newspapers that are available online. He gives us examples of several websites where those papers can be found. It is also a way to practice reading the Fraktur German font used in those newspapers. Gunter used the following article as an example.
          Grünstadter Zeitung, Nr 132, 6 June 1908
          Grünstadt, Frankenthal, Pfalz, Bayern
2) Philipp Schanzenbächer, 20 Jahre
alt, Händler von Tiefenthal, war beschuldigt, am
12 December v.(vorige) Jahr die Ehefrau Adam
Gaub von da dadurch körperlich verletzt zu haben,
dass er ihr einen Fensterladen, hinter welchen sich
dieselbe befand, vorsätzlich an den Kopf schlug.
Das Gericht nahm jedoch nur fahrlässige Körper
verletzung als erwiesen an und verurtheilte den
Angeklagten hierwegen zu einer Geldstrafe von
12 Mark, eventuell 4 Tagen Gefängniss.
2) Philipp Schanzenbächer, 20 years old
trader from Tiefenthal, was accused on
12 December previous year by the wife of Adam Gaub
from here, as being physically injured as a result of him
deliberately pushing a window shutter, behind which
she was standing, hitting her on the head.
However, the court only took the negligence causing the
bodily injury into consideration and passed sentence on him,
the defendant, a fine of 12 marks, with a contingency of 4 days in Prison.

Gift from the Archives

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