Der Deutsche Correspondent
The yearly Todesfällen lists (later changed to Sterbfällen) were originally grouped by the month and then by the day of the month. For each day on which a person died you will find a name, usually an age, and frequently the location of birth. Sometimes the cause of death, place of death and/or residence was also given. In the early 1890's the amount of detail in these lists began to decline until only the person's name, date of death and age were given. However this does not mean that there is no additional information in Der Deutsche Correspondent and it should still be checked for items such as Death Notices (originally titled Es starb, later the person's name was used), articles concerning the Death (Ableben) or Burial (Beerdigung) of the person.
Beginning in 1901 the lists were done alphabetically. Surnames were grouped based on the first letter of the surname and then listed in chronological order by the date of death. They usually only listed the name, age, and date of death of the person. Starting in 1906 the lists were moved to a supplement called Das Rothe Buch des  Deutsche Correspondent that was provided to subscribers of Der Deutsche Correspondent for free but to date none of these have been located. In 1918 the list was moved back to the newspaper. The only other gap is in 1894 when the list for December was omitted.  The printing of the yearly Todesfällen lists may be found in one or as many as nine issues of  Der Deutsche Correspondent, with all but one issue being available via the Library of Congress. The list below gives the date of publication for the issues of Der Deutsche Correspondent used for this database. The Maryland Historical Society has some original copies of  Der Deutsche Correspondent but access is limited due to the condition of the paper.
Source information:
Library of Congress - Chronicling America, Historic American Newspapers,  Der Deutsche Correspondent (
1882 - 2 January 1883
1883 - 1 & 2 January 1884
1884 - 31 December 1884, 1 January 1885
1885 - 1 & 2 January 1886
1886 - 1 January 1887, 3 January 1887 
1887 - 31 December 1887, 2 January 1888
1888 - 29 &31 December 1888, 1 thru 3 January 1889,
1889 - 30 & 31 December 1889, 1 January 1890
1890 - 31 December 1890, 1 thru 3 January 1891
1891 -  3, 9, 11, 12, 14 & 15 January 1892
1892 - 2 thru 7 January 1893
1893 - 29 & 30 December 1893, 1 thru 6 & 8 January 1894
1894 - 5, 8, 10, 11, 14 thru 18 January 1895
1895 - 1 thru 4 January 1896  & 6 January 1896
1896 - 30 & 31 December 1896, 1 & 2 January 1897
1897 - 1 January 1898
1898 - 2 & 8 January 1899
1899 - 25 thru 30 December 1899 & 1 January 1900
1900 - 6 January 1901
1901 - 1 & 2 January 1902
1902 - 2 January 1903
1903 - 1 January 1904
1904 - 3 January 1905
1905 - 1 January 1906
1917 - 1 January 1918
Maryland Historical Society:
1886 - 4 January 1887
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